A/C Evacuation and Recharge Service

The function of an air conditioner is to help remove the heat and humidity from the
passenger compartment of the vehicle.  Powered by a belt, the air conditioning
compressor compresses the refrigerant to pressurize it and pump it through the system.  
The refrigerant is pushed through a valve where pressure and temperature are
reduced. The now-cool refrigerant travels through the evaporator in the passenger
compartment. As a result, cooled air is blown into your vehicle. This refrigerant returns
to the compressor, where the cycle begins once again.

Jiffy Lube® certified technicians:         
  • visually inspect the air conditioning compressor drive belt for cracks or
  • visually inspect accessible components for leaks or damage  
  • check the operation of the air conditioning compressor and other air
    conditioning components   evacuate refrigerant from the system     
  • vacuum test the system
  • recharge the air conditioning system using the appropriate refrigerant to the
    system capacity according to the vehicle manufacturer's specification

PLEASE NOTE: Our service is designed as a periodic maintenance service rather
than a detailed troubleshooting or repair service. Jiffy Lube® technicians are certified
through an EPA approved training program. Jiffy Lube® technicians begin the service
by checking for signs of leaks. We do not recommend servicing systems with detected
Serving Northern California in Chico and Paradise for over 20 years.  
Locally Owned and Operated
Chico South Jiffy Lube
2452 Notre Dame Blvd
Paradise Jiffy Lube
6081 Clark Rd
Chico Jiffy Lube
1218 Mangrove Ave
Signature Service® Oil Change
A/C Evacuation and Recharge
Air Filtration Services
Automatic Transmission Services
Electrical System Services
Drivetrain Services
Fuel Filter Replacement
Fuel System Cleaning Service
Manual Transmission Service
Power Steering Fluid Exchange
Radiator Coolant/Antifreeze Service
Serpentine / V-belt Replacement
Tire Rotation Service
Windshield Services